Talent Acquisition

5 Reasons Your Recruitment Strategy Should Include Global Hiring

With all the ease and convenience of HR technology today, it has become easier to look across borders to fulfill talent requirements. HRTech has enabled global hiring.

by Avinash Bichali, Co-founder, Global Talent Exchange

Perhaps the recruitment strategy is one of the most important business strategies for an organization. Effective and productive talent is not readily available and certainly not easy to find, making it necessary for a leader to map and plan exactly how they can attract the best workforce to help them drive growth in the way they want to. 

What if you were told that you no longer need to restrict your search to locally available talent? What if leadership positions and niche and emerging tech roles in your organization could be taken up by experienced professionals from skill-rich regions of the world? With all the ease and convenience of HR technology today, it has become easier to look across borders to fulfill talent requirements. HRTech has enabled global hiring.

Keeping this in mind, it’s now more crucial than ever for your recruitment strategy to include a global hiring aspect. Here’s why. 

Diversify your Workplace

International hires add an element of diversity to the organization and can lead to interesting conversations and an exchange of experiences. 

Moreover, people who’ve been exposed to different lifestyles naturally have different thought processes and perspectives and can contribute with an out-of-the-box approach during creative brainstorming. The business is presented with ideas that they might not have come across previously, enriching collaboration and teamwork, workplace productivity, and project success. 

Access a Skilled Workforce

It is no news that India is facing a massive shortage of skilled and qualified talent to take up the opportunities. Even more job opportunities are being created by the massive strides the country is taking to become a global tech force to be reckoned with. Hiring people that are not a good fit or whose skills do not align with the expectations of the business can be highly detrimental to motivation, productivity, and long-term growth. 

An international recruitment strategy enables organizations to access global talent hubs and the limitless talent they contain. It makes it possible to onboard people that can be effective from Day 1, and bring exceptional knowledge and experience to the table. 

Pave the Way to Enter Global Markets

Arguably, this is the most important reason to hire internationally! Employees that are exposed to the global markets bring with them an in-depth understanding of how those markets function, how one can tap into them, problems/obstacles that could be encountered, and how best to cater to the mindset of people living there. These insights are invaluable for a growing company that is looking to scale to different parts of the world. Information like this helps save massive amounts of resources in trial and error processes- making it easier to ‘hit the nail on the head’ in the first go. 

It also makes it easier for you to establish a brand presence and awareness in different countries- which is helpful from both a growth and sales perspective. 

Build a Pipeline of Skilled Global Talent

It’s high time that companies shift from reactive recruiting to proactive recruiting. It’s best to not be in a situation wherein talent is required immediately as this almost always results in hires that are not well thought-out and cost the organization valuable resources in the form of time and money. 

Having global hiring as part of your recruitment strategy enables you to create a warm pipeline of professionals that understand your business, are actively interested in being a part of it, and possess the exact skill set that you require. 

Gain a Competitive Edge

Including an international outlook to your recruitment strategy offers several strategic benefits and establishes your organization as an industry leader in the market. 

It draws attention to the fact that you’re not willing to settle and reminds your clients and customers. that you’re ready to jump through hoops to get only the best people onboard. Moreover, you as a leader can be confident that the professionals you hire are genuinely interested in working with you as they will relocate back to India for the opportunity; this drastically improves your retention rate- ensuring that you win the talent war, every time.

Wrapping up

Global Talent Exchange is a next-gen Global Tech Recruitment Platform with the mission of mobilizing talent from global tech hubs to move across geographies seamlessly. We believe that India is presented with a huge opportunity to become the digital talent hub of the world, but it is facing a ginormous talent gap. 

GTX eliminates this obstacle by ensuring Indian organizations have access to highly skilled tech talent from around the world, enabling them to scale and compete internationally.

About the Author:

Avinash Bichali is the Co-founder of Global Talent Exchange- a platform that brings game changers- businesses and talent- together. He is a senior business professional with 20+ years of experience in building employer brands and helping enterprise customers solve complex hiring problems and is on a mission to democratize talent availability for sustainable organizational growth.

Continue Reading: Hire Across Borders & Win the Talent War


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