
Basic Principles Of Human Resource Management For Professionals

Basic Principles Of Human Resource Management For Professionals

In this guide, you’ll learn all the basic principles of HR management with helpful diagrams and detailed insights.

So, are you ready to brush up your HR fundamentals? Let’s dive in!

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What Is Human Resource Management?


Human Resource Management (HRM) is all about taking care of the people who work for a company. It’s the job of HR to make sure the company has the right number of workers with the right skills to do their jobs well.

Definition And Purpose Of HRM:

  • HRM is the process of hiring, training, and managing employees.

  • The goal is to help the company succeed by having a strong team of employees.

Role Of HR Managers In HRM:

HR managers are in charge of:

  1. Finding and hiring new employees.

  2. Providing training to help employees improve their skills.

  3. Making sure employees are happy and productive at work.

In the past, HR focused mainly on basic tasks like payroll and benefits. Today, HR plays a bigger role in helping companies plan for the future.

In the coming years, HR will need to adapt to changes in technology and the way people work.

Check out this guide on trending HR topics to learn more about the latest trends in the HR world.

Now that we know what HRM is all about, let’s dive into the core responsibilities that HR managers handle every day to keep their companies.

Core Responsibilities Of HR Management

HR managers have many important jobs to do to keep their companies running well. Let’s look at the main things they are in charge of.

1. Recruitment And Selection

  • HR looks at what jobs the company needs and writes clear descriptions.

  • They post job ads, look at resumes, and interview candidates.

  • When a new person is hired, HR helps them get started and feel welcome.

For example, if a company needs a new salesperson, HR will figure out what skills the person needs, find the best candidates, and help the new hire learn about the company.

2. Learning And Development

  • HR finds out what training employees need to do their jobs better.

  • They create training programs that match the company’s goals.

  • HR tracks how well the training works and makes changes if needed.

If a company wants to sell more products online, HR might create a training program to teach employees about e-commerce.

3. Performance Management

  • HR sets goals for employees and checks how well they are doing.

  • They give feedback and advice to help employees do their best work.

  • If someone is having trouble, HR works with them to find solutions.

For instance, HR might meet with an employee every 6 months to talk about their work and set new goals for the next 6 months.

4. Compensation And Benefits

  • HR makes sure employees are paid fairly based on their skills and experience.

  • They research other companies to see what benefits and pay are common.

  • HR explains the pay and benefits to employees so they understand their package.

For example, HR might look at salary surveys to make sure the company’s pay is similar to others in the same industry.

5. Employee Relations

  • HR listens to employees’ concerns and helps solve problems.

  • They plan events and programs to make employees feel valued and connected.

  • HR works to create a positive company culture where people want to work.

If there are any issues or disputes among the team members, then HR can talk with them and find out a solution, resolving the issue.

6. Legal Compliance

  • HR makes sure the company follows all the rules about how to treat workers.

  • They stay up-to-date on changes to laws about things like pay, time off, and safety.

  • HR keeps records to show the company is doing what it’s supposed to.

For example, HR can post certain regulations in the workplace to ensure everyone sees and follows them accordingly.

7. HR Data And Analytics

  • HR collects data about things like employee turnover, hiring, and training.

  • They use this data to spot trends and see where the company can improve.

  • HR shares their findings with leaders to help make smart choices for the future.

For instance, if the data shows that many employees are leaving after 1 year, HR might implement strategies to help keep people longer.

So, these core responsibilities show how HR helps companies succeed by taking care of their people. Next, we’ll explore the key principles that guide how HR professionals approach these important tasks.

Principles Of Human Resource Management


​HR professionals follow important principles to make sure they are treating employees fairly and helping the company succeed. Let’s dive into these key ideas that guide HR’s work.

1. Dignity Of Labor

Every job in a company matters, from the entry-level workers to the top bosses. HR’s job is to make sure everyone feels respected and valued, no matter what their role is.

  • When employees feel their work is important, they are more motivated to do their best.

  • Treating all staff with respect creates a positive company culture.

  • Valuing all roles helps the company work together as a team.

For example, a company could have a special award that recognizes employees at all levels for their hard work and dedication.

2. Individual Development

HR should give all employees the chance to learn and grow in their careers. This means offering training, mentoring, and other resources to help people build their skills.

How HR can support individual development:

  • Create a clear career path for each role, so employees know how they can advance.

  • Offer regular training sessions on topics that match the company’s needs and goals.

  • Let newer employees collaborate with experienced mentors who can guide them.

For instance, HR might create a leadership training program that any employee can apply for, regardless of their current job title.

Here’s a detailed guide on types of corporate training programs. Check it out to learn more about different training programs for employee development.

3. Participation

HR should involve employees in making decisions that affect their work. This helps people feel like their opinions matter and encourages teamwork.

Benefits of employee participation:

  • Employees who feel heard are more engaged and loyal to the company.

  • Collaborative decision-making leads to better ideas and solutions.

  • Inclusive practices create a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

For instance, an HR can host regular meetings where employees can ask questions and give feedback directly to company leaders.

Now, let’s explore a few more key principles that guide HR professionals in their important work.

4. Fair Remuneration And Incentives

HR must make sure employees are paid fairly for their work. This means looking at what other companies pay for similar jobs and offering competitive salaries and benefits.

Why is fair pay important?

  • Employees who feel they are paid fairly are more likely to stay with the company.

  • Fair pay helps attract top talent when hiring for new roles.

  • Proper compensation shows employees that their work is valued.

How HR can ensure fair remuneration:

  • Research market rates for each job role and level.

  • Create clear pay scales based on skills, experience, and performance.

  • Offer incentives like bonuses or profit-sharing to reward good work.

5. Scientific Selection

HR should use proven methods to find and hire the best candidates for each job. This means looking beyond just resumes and using tools like skills assessments and structured interviews.

Benefits of scientific selection:

  • Helps reduce bias in hiring decisions.

  • Identifies candidates with the right skills and experience for the job.

  • Leads to better job performance and lower turnover.

Tools for scientific selection:

  • Pre-employment tests to measure skills and knowledge.

  • Behavioral interviews with standardized questions.

  • Reference checks and background screenings.

For instance, for a technical role, HR might give candidates a coding test to see how well they can solve problems related to the job in real life. This gives a more objective measure of their abilities than just looking at their resume.

6. Team Spirit

HR should also encourage a culture of collaboration and teamwork. This means creating opportunities for employees to work together and recognizing team achievements.

Why team spirit is essential:

  • Encourages employees to share ideas and support each other.

  • Leads to better problem-solving and innovation.

  • Boosts morale and job satisfaction.

How HR can build team spirit:

  • Plan team-building activities and events.

  • Recognize and reward team successes, not just individual achievements.

  • Encourage cross-functional collaboration on projects.

7. Free Flow Of Communication

HR should make sure there are clear and open lines of communication between employees and managers. This means encouraging regular feedback, both positive and constructive.

Benefits of open communication:

  • Helps identify and solve problems early on.

  • Gives employees a voice in decision-making.

  • Builds trust and transparency in the workplace.

Ways to promote open communication:

  • Hold regular one-on-one meetings between employees and their managers.

  • Conduct employee surveys to gather feedback and ideas.

  • Provide training on effective communication skills.

Now that we understand the guiding principles of HR management, let’s take a closer look at the underlying functions that HR professionals perform to put these principles into practice.

Underlying Functions In HR Management

HR professionals have several key functions they perform to keep their companies running smoothly and support employees. Let’s dive into these core areas of HR work.

Strategic Planning

One of the most important things HR does is make sure their plans and actions match what the company wants to achieve. This is called strategic planning.

How HR does strategic planning:

  • Look at the company’s overall business plan and goals.

  • Figure out what skills and people are needed to reach those goals.

  • Create HR plans for hiring, training, and managing employees that support the company’s direction.

For instance, if a company wants to expand into a new country, HR would plan how to hire people with the right language and cultural skills to make that happen.

Employee Orientation And Development

When a new person joins the company, HR helps them learn about the job and the workplace. This is called orientation. HR also gives employees chances to learn and grow in their careers, which is called development.

Benefits of orientation and development:

  • Helps new hires feel welcome and understand their role.

  • Teaches employees new skills that can help them do their jobs better.

  • Shows employees that the company cares about their growth and success.

Ways HR provides orientation and development:

  • Create a clear onboarding plan for new hires.

  • Offer regular training sessions on job-related topics.

  • Give employees opportunities to attend conferences or workshops.

  • Provide mentoring or coaching programs.

For instance, during a new hire’s first week, HR might set up meetings with key people, give them a tour of the office, and have them complete training on company policies.

Performance Management

HR helps employees understand how well they are doing their jobs and where they can improve. This is called performance management.

Why performance management is important:

  • Gives employees clear expectations and feedback on their work.

  • Helps identify areas where employees need more training or support.

  • Allows the company to reward top performers and address underperformance.

Tools for effective performance management:

  • Regular check-ins between employees and their managers.

  • Clear goals and metrics for each job role.

  • Performance reviews that provide specific feedback and next steps.

  • Reward programs for employees who exceed expectations.

Employee Relations And Positive Work Environment

HR works to create a workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and engaged. This is called employee relations.

Benefits of good employee relations:

  • Higher job satisfaction and morale.

  • Lower turnover rates and absenteeism.

  • Better collaboration and teamwork.

How HR supports employee relations:

  • Listen to employee concerns and feedback.

  • Provide resources for conflict resolution and problem-solving.

  • Organize events and activities that build community and morale.

  • Recognize and celebrate employee achievements.

Safety And Compliance

HR makes sure the workplace is safe and follows all relevant laws and regulations. This includes things like health and safety rules, anti-discrimination policies, and labor laws.

Why safety and compliance matter:

  • Protects employees from accidents and injuries.

  • Prevents legal issues and fines for the company.

  • Creates a fair and respectful workplace for all.

How HR ensures safety and compliance:

  • Develop and follow safety policies and procedures.

  • Train employees on compliance and regulation-related topics.

  • Keep records and documentation to ensure compliance with regulations.

Evolution And Future Of HRM

HR has come a long way over the years. Let’s take a look at how HR is changing with time and what the future might look like:

From Administrative Functions To Strategic Partnership

In the past, HR was mostly about paperwork and rules. They handled things like payroll, benefits, and personnel files. But now, HR is becoming a real partner in helping the company succeed.

HR’s expanding role:

  • Working with leaders to make plans for the future

  • Finding ways to make employees happier and do their best work

  • Using data to spot trends and solve problems

As technology changes, so does the way we work. HR has to keep up with these changes and find ways to use technology to make things better for employees.

How HR Is Evolving:

  • Creating better and more remote work policies.

  • Using online tools for hiring, training, and managing performance.

  • Focusing on the employee experience and well-being.

Importance Of Continuous Learning And Adaptation In HR Roles

With all these changes, HR professionals need to keep learning and growing.

Ways HR Can Keep Learning:

  • Attend conferences and workshops to learn about new trends.

  • Read industry blogs and publications to stay informed.

  • Join professional networks and groups to share ideas with others.


HRM is all about taking care of the people who work for the company and helping the business do well.

From different roles of HR to essential principles of HR management, we covered all topics in this guide.

We also saw how HR has changed over time. It used to be mostly paperwork, but now HR works closely with leaders to make big plans for the company’s future.

As the world changes, HR has to change too. That means using new technology to make work better and create a positive work environment.

Want to learn more about HR and find the best tools and resources to help your team? Check out hrtech today and start transforming your HR team into a strong group that helps your company grow.


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